Your lapt0ps and ph0nes are your personal properties which cannot be subjected to any form of search without the proper search warrant.
They P0lice have no right to check your ph0nes on the roads, streets or in their cars. You have a right to self dignity, which is a fundamental human right.
Prying into people’s privacy — part of which is checking their phones and laptops — is tantamount to violating their rights to self dignity. The Law frown seriously on that.
In the event that a p0liceman checks your ph0ne on the road, you have the right to rep0rt that policeman for disciplinary action to be taken by calling the PPRO number of your state. Or insist on not releasing them for search but rather request to be taken to a p0lice station where senior officers’ attention will be required.
But it must be noted that for every rule there must be an exception. It is also important to note that fundamental human rights are not absolute;
There may be an occasion where such a search can be conducted urgently in order not to jeopardize investigation into a serious case.
If there is a rep0rt of a serious cri’me which involves the use of devices like laptops, ph0nes or any other ICT equipment and a suspect or suspects are rounded up in such an environment, any of such devices found in their possession can be searched on the spot so as not to give them the opportunity of destroying the £vidence which may eventually jeopardize the inv£stigation and apprehension of the culprit.
That’s the only condition that could warrant them to search your ph0ne or Lapt0p without search warrant