There is this issue that is bothering me seriously and Atanda i really need you to explain it fully for me.
I use to hear that as a L£gally married w0man, in the event of div0rce, i am £ntitled to 50% of my husband’s pr0perty.
Atanda pls i want to know my stand, i want to know what i need to do now to be £ntitled to that 50% and the steps i need to take
I want to have a clear understanding of this pr0perty sharing during div0rce as a L£gally married w0man because my husband currently have 4 h0uses, 5 sh0ps and one wareh0use.
Everything was acquir£d during the marriage and his m0vement this days is looking somehow, so Atanda I need to know my stand in case anything happens
Let me break down this issue of pr0perty sharing in marriage in simple terms.
Madam, this is Nigeria oooo, there is nothing like because you marry him L£gally i am automatically entitled to 50% of my husband pr0perty.
No oooooo. Ra Ra ooo, Na 9ja u dey ooo . Wake up ooooo.
By virtue of Secrion 72 of the Matrimonial Causes A c t (MCA). For Statutory marriage (c0urt marriage or marriage inside a licenced church) only.
There are only two ways in which you can lay claims to your husband pr0perty during div0rce
1. You must be able to prove that you contributed to the acquisition of those pr0perties
2. Joint 0wnership of the pr0perty, meaning your husband b0ught the pr0perty in your name and his name.
Let me break down those two point well for you
1. When your husband is acquiring any pr0perty at all, ensure you supp0rt him in any way.
Give him moral supp0rt as a wife, give him financial supp0rt no matter how small the m0ney is, show him love, look after his busin£ss during those period he is putting all his energy and focus on building that h0use or whatever pr0ject.
Every needed supp0rt as a wife to help him successfully get the pr0ject done pls give him.
Service him well in the other room at night, give him enough Br£ast milk , Suff0cate him with your bum bum
And as you are giving him those support and contributing to it, pls ensure you have your £vidence because you must be able to prove it to the c0urt that you c0ntributed in one way or the other to the acquisition of that pr0perty.
2. Ensure every pr0perty your husband is getting during your marriage carries your nane along like this.
Mr Atanda Olatunji and Mrs Atanda Shalewa
No allow your husband write Mr and Mrs Atanda.
Cos anyone can be Mrs Atanda.
Lastly ehn, there are some pr0perty that is not considered for sharing during div0rce
1. Pr0perty your husband or you yourself got as Gift
2. Pr0perty that is inherited
3. Pr0perty acquired before the marriage
I hope i have been able to explain it in simple terms to the understanding of you all?
But if you still have any questions, pls dr0p them in the comments section, i will pick them randomly and make a p0st about it.
If you love what Atanda is doing, Pls sh@r£ dis p0st