I went to the H0spital when i was S!ck and i was T£sted and results shows i was having Typh0id and Malar!a
Atanda, D0ctor prescribed some m£dication and inj£ction
Just after tr£atment
It aff£cted my ear and i cant hear clearly again
It’s getting worst day by day and i have sp£nt alot on it and still yet no solution and i can’t hear anything again Atanda
A D0ctor from the g£neral h0spital confirmed to me that one of the side effects of the m£dication i was given is what is happening
Atanda, pls can i sue the d0ctor and the h0spital at Large for this damage
This is a very critical issue.
In m£dical matters, there is always different body reaction to m£dicine and tr£atment which may result to something unpredictable sometimes.
If it is confirmed that the d0ctor gave you a treatment different from what you are tested for
Then it shows the D0ctor is quak and does not know his j0b and can be held liable for this damage and his licenced withdrawn
But if he has done the right thing and still yet some complications like this arise, of which you were supposed to return back to the h0spital immediately you noticed something is going wrong.
Then the d0ctor can’t be held responsible
Cos no 100% in Tr£atment and assurance when it comes to Health issues.
Just like when you pay for Operation and eventually the person still kpai during the 0peration
You can’t hold the d0ctor or h0spital responsible once you can’t point out n£gligence in discharge of their duty.
So pls at this point, meet the d0ctor from the general h0spital and show him your treatment and medication you were given if he will find any fault there from the d0ctor so you can know if there is any negligence which you can use to hold them responsible for this damage
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse