My landlord sent me a letter that he is no more c0mfortable with my midnight prayers every night
Atanda, i am not 0wing him house R£nt and i have never come outside my apartment to pray before
I do everything right inside my apartment as a law abiding citizen
Atanda, my Landlord is intru!ing into my Pri’vacy cos my night vigil prayers are done right inside the apartment i pa!d for which i have exclusive p0ssession of.
Pls Atanda, if my landlord continues to pr£ssure me, can i su£ him for infring£ment on my fundam£ntal human right and my R!ght as a T£nant who is not 0wing?
Yes, you are very correct
You have exclusive p0ssession of the apartment once you pay your R£nt.
You also have the fundamental human R!ght to pray inside your apartment or any other place that have p0ssession of by right.
But you don’t have right to use your own to disturb others.
You would have been right if you had installed sound proof system in your apartment to stop your voice from going out of the apartment you paid for.
Once your voice goes beyond the apartment you paid for
You have tr£spassed into another person’s apartment with your voice.
Once your praying voice or those married women who shouts yeeee, hiaaaaa, huuuuiui, suuuuuuu and the rest goes beyong the walls of the apartment you paid for.
You are committing an 0ffence aga’inst NESREA Act.
The NESREA Noise R£gulations Act says that the Maximum Permissible Noise Limits allowed for such an environment.
Data obtained from the noise measurements, for residential, semi-residential and small scale commercial premises range between 50 to 60 decibels during the daytime, and 30 to 50 decibels during the night time.
So if your praying voice is beyond 30 to 50 decibel at night, oga you are guilty.
To Those women that m0ans too high all because of the pr£ssure from their husband joy stick. They are also gu’ilty of this Act.
And who ever is found G’uilty of this Act is liable to a Fine of 50k or one year impris0nm£nt
Nobody is saying you shoud not pray
But don’t disturb others with your prayer
That is the lawful thing
If your Landlord no like to send you to eat free beans, he or she has the right to £vict you