Atanda, i have informed the Landlord about my roof L£aking over 4 times and he kept on promising that he will do something about it until yesterday that rain fell and sp0ilt my electrical appliances.
Atanda, i have never 0wed this man any R£nt before, He was just telling me sorry and had to call the carpenter to come and ch£ck it after the deed was done
Pls Atanda, those my electrical appliances that got sp0ilt are very £xpensive and i won’t let it go like that.
Can i hold the Landlord R£sponsible to pay for this Damag£s?
See ehn, as a T£nant you have the right to a safe and habitable home, regardless of how much you pay as R£nt.
Meaning that, your Landlord has a responsibility under the law to provide a comfortable, good, safe, s£cure and habitable home for you as a T£nant once you pay your R£nt.
The C0urt held that a landlord 0wns a duty of care to a tenant”. (Chukwuma & Ors v. Awon).
So therefore, if your landlord refuses to care for you, he is liable to pay for damag£s for whatever his lack of care causes to you as a T£nant, So, in this situation, If you as a T£nant can prove that you have informed the Landlord about the leaking roof and he refuses to fix it before this rain fell and damag£d your pr0perties.
Then, the Landlord is liable to pay damag£s for every items that got sp0ilt in your apartment.
You can SU£ him also for £motional and psychological damag£ too and request for 5 Mila as damag£s for tha Landlord’s Carelessness towards you as a T£nant and his carelessness towards his responsibility as a Landlord
Most of these Landlord think its just to sit down and collect house R£nt because Most T£nant dont even know their rights.
See ehn, if your landlord refuse to fix pot holes in the compound and eventually your child got injur£d through it, you can hold your Landlord responsible
T£nants shoud wake up,
You have a R!ght when you are paying for anything
The house is not given to you for FR££ and the Landlord is not doing you any favour.
Instead, the Landlord has a responsibility to care for you under the Law. Simple
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse